Are we crazy?

Image result for cartoon nuts

It occurred to me recently that us writer types must be crazy.  Let me explain. Who else would work for nothing, that is, put in long hours writing novels, articles, short stories, poetry with a very strong possibility that it will be rejected outright by agents and publishers? When you have toiled for days or weeks on a short story submission for say People’s Friend magazine and you are absolutely certain you have met all the criteria.

Continue reading “Are we crazy?”

Why I Love London

big ben

London, the exciting capital city of England.  A mere 27 miles across, but home to over 8 million people. And this is where I live. How lucky for me!

As an aspiring writer who like any other aspiring writer, will probably have several projects on the go at any given time. At present I am starting work on a new novel together with writing short stories geared towards women’s magazines such as People’s Friend and Take A Break Fiction Feast.  I also have a keen interest in poetry so there are things on the back burner there too.

Continue reading “Why I Love London”

My Typical Day!

cartoon typewriter

Well… I get up at the crack of dawn, lets say about 5.30 am, beaver away until coffee time, typing, typing, typing.  Then after coffee, I work flat out say until lunchtime working on whatever draft I am doing whether it be a short story or a novel.  Then I break for an hours lunch.  After lunch I scramble Continue reading “My Typical Day!”

Writing and a rainy Afternoon!


For a minute there this weekend I actually thought we were going to have a summer in London! After all it is June! Sad to say I was wrong. By Tuesday I’m back to being wrapped up like a mummy including a hat for good measure! It’s a pity because I actually had plans for doing some gardening. Does anyone else’s garden look like a Continue reading “Writing and a rainy Afternoon!”

Book Review, Luke Delaney Cold Killing

cold killing book cover

Like any very hopeful, aspiring writer, reading a vast amount of books, as many as you can get your hands on, is a must.  And, as if life is not busy enough, there are all the e-books around! These make me wish I had two (maybe three) pairs of eyes and not just one!Continue reading “Book Review, Luke Delaney Cold Killing”

Hello and Welcome


Hello and welcome to my blog.  It’s chiefly a writer’s den written by me Sharon a writer who has a somewhat considered opinion on many things.  Watch this space as I ramble on about anything that has niggled me, enlightened me, or just given me a little laugh.  Life, can make you cry as well as laugh!  I hope there are more laughs along the way!

I will let you know what I have been up to, what I am working on and what I am reading. Any books, short stories or anything that I particularly enjoyed I’ll pass on.  And of course if I get that oh-so-elusive book deal, I’ll be sure to let you know.

So watch this space.

Until next time

Happy Writing! S

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