Book Length, Does Size Matter?

Hello and welcome to the home of the fascinating and curious observations regarding the book world and writing.

Have you noticed that the length of the average novel is getting longer? Or is this just me? As a ferocious reader I’m usually reading at least three books at any given time. And these books are taking longer and longer to complete.

If novels are getting longer, then is this trend set to continue in a world that is already time poor?

I remember reading The Wolfen by Whitley Strieber published in 1978. It’s a thriller about super-intelligent wolves who prey on humans and who have avoided detection for thousands of years. That is until they kill two young police officers! I regard The Wolfen as one of the best thrillers I have ever read. And this is the thing, it’s only 252 pages long!

One of the best romances I have ever read is The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller. It’s the story of a chance meeting between a married woman and a photographer. It was made into a movie starring Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep, released in 1995. Need I say, the book (a novella) was a mere 208 pages, but it lacked nothing.

By contrast A Game of Thrones by George R R Martin is just short of 800 pages (1996). Stephen King’s Christine is about 750 pages long (1983). Martina Cole’s crime novel Goodnight Lady (1994) is 832 pages. This list could go on and believe me I have many, many more great tomes on my bookshelves waiting to be read!

Now, I’m well aware that classics like Les Miserables (1862) by Victor Hugo is 1,500 pages long. And then there is War and Peace (1868) Leo Tolstoy is approximately 1,440 pages! However these are classic epic tales written during a time when the pace of life was generally slower.

So how long does your book need to be for the modern reader? Does size really matter? I couldn’t possibly answer conclusively. Will longer novels become more commonplace, especially if they go on to become bestsellers as they seem to? It may.

As a reader, I feel the length of a book shouldn’t really matter as long as I’m being entertained. And if I can’t turn the next page of my book fast enough, then the writer has done their job.

Thanks for reading!

Until next time

Happy reading!

Ps: You might like Pachinko by Min Jin Lee, a great epic novel! It’s lengthy!

Pachinko, Min Jin Lee – Book Review

Published by Sharon's Writers Tidbits

Sharon Wilson was born in London. She has had a passion for the art and craft of creative writing for many years . Sharon's main writing interests are novels, short stories and poetry. She also enjoys writing non-fiction and has had several articles on writing published in various ezines. Sharon is an avid reader and has an extensive book collection which is actually quite threatening!

11 thoughts on “Book Length, Does Size Matter?

  1. That takes me back. I read Wolfen years ago, early 80s, my eldest brother had it. Great book.

    I’m not sure whether books are getting longer or the print larger. All my John Wyndham books are relatively short but the print is much smaller than a contemporary James Ellroy or Elmore Leonard.

    So Sharon, reading this, we will never know conclusively if you think size matters… 🙂

    1. Hi Christopher, thank you for stopping by and your comments! You are right about the smaller print, but then again…books still seem longer! Oh yes, James Ellroy and Elmore Leonard, excellent writers! John Wyndham, never read any of his work but his books sound fascinating! I agree with you, it’s hard to be conclusive! Thanks again! Hope all is well! X

  2. If I like a book, I don’t care if it’s long; if I’m not that happy with it, better short. Which really doesn’t answer your question. And if I really dislike a book right from the start, I just stop reading it.

    1. Hi Audrey! It does answer my question, in a different way! I agree, if the book is good, then length should not matter! Actually, if I’m not enjoying a book I still try to finish it just in case it makes sense at the end! But it can be hard going! Thank you so much for your comment. Best wishes, Sharon.

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