TIM – Colleen McCullough – Book Review

Hello and welcome to a brand new year! I hope your festive season was a joyous one!

Every so often you come across a book that touches you and the 1974 novel Tim by the late Australian writer Colleen McCullough, did just that.

Colleen McCullough is also the author of The Thorn Birds, which may have heard more of.

Tim is the story of an intellectually challenged young man who crosses paths with the confirmed spinster Mary Horton, who is almost twice his age. The story takes place in the suburbs of New South Wales, Australia.

Tim Melville who is a builders labourer is hired by Mary Horton on the off chance to do some gardening. Tim is happy to help, so long as it’s all right with his father, Ron Melville. Ron Melville agrees to Tim landing some additional work, thinking only of the extra money. Thus begins a relationship that is curious from the start because of the obvious dynamic between an older woman, with the simple minded, much younger man. But this is no ordinary looking man. Tim is very attractive, spectacular and catches the eye of most people wherever he goes. Needless to say, Tim is oblivious to all the attention he receives.

And this is the beauty of the novel by Colleen McCullough. Tim’s naivety and sincerity is a pivotal theme throughout the book. It’s this very aspect that Mary Horton is drawn to the most – if she can get beyond his looks!

Being an avid reader I wanted to read the book after having watched the film starring Mel Gibson and the late Piper Laurie, many years ago. The film is good, but the novel is better. You get a lot more background to the characters and gain a real insight into working class life in Australia during the 1970s.

There is some opposition to Tim and Mary’s friendship coming from Tim’s sister, Dawnie. However, the real conflict of the novel is with Mary herself as she decides what to do with Tim; should she walk away from him, or should she stay.

Finally, the romance and the devotion between Tim and Mary is so tender at times, it’s enough to take your breath away! Be warned!


I read the e-book from Amazon but you may be able to obtain a copy from the secondhand markets.

Thanks for stopping by

Until next time


Ps: The full movie is available on YouTube!

Published by Sharon's Writers Tidbits

Sharon Wilson was born in London. She has had a passion for the art and craft of creative writing for many years . Sharon's main writing interests are novels, short stories and poetry. She also enjoys writing non-fiction and has had several articles on writing published in various ezines. Sharon is an avid reader and has an extensive book collection which is actually quite threatening!

15 thoughts on “TIM – Colleen McCullough – Book Review

  1. The was a fascinating review about an author and book I am not familiar. I have heard of the title Tim and Colleen McCullough before, but I haven’t had the good fortune to read it. But your review has a whetted my appetite that I hope one day I can. Sharon, have you read any of South African-Australian Bryce Courtney’s books?

    1. Hello Matthew, thank you for your comments! Yes, the book is a lovely story of an unconventional love. Very enjoyable. No, I have not heard of Bryce Courtenay before, I will look him up! Thanks for the book tip. How are you?

      1. Hello Sharon, good morning. I really miss my kindle (e-reader) because getting getting books was easy. But now – not so much.
        I’ve been well. Just woke up and about to go to gym and later the pool. How about you? What will you be up to today?

      2. Hi Sharon. I have an addictive and impulsive personality. I replaced my previous addictions of alcohol and nicotine with exercise and good nutrition. In my youth I was a promising athlete, so I have rekindled that former love. Yes, people still go the gym lol It was fairly crowded where I go yesterday. But I also enjoy walking and yoga, like you. Which yoga do you practice? I practice Kundalini and even wrote articles about it here.
        My ‘kindle’ decided to one not recharge a few years ago and that was that. I would have bought another one if their was ‘reparation service’ for Kindle here in Colombia.

      3. Hi Matt, an addictive/compulsive personality! Well, you are channeling that energy in the right direction by keeping fit AND writing your blog. Could you not download a kindle reader to your phone? Have a great day!

      4. An addictive and impulsive one. Yes channelling or redirecting an apparent personality deficit to becoming a ‘strength’ is called ‘Sublimation’.
        Ty for the suggestion re. the kindle reader on my phone, but I would never read a book on my little mobile. I would require a book-size tablet, which I could consider purchasing as a makeshift e-reader.
        Thanks Sharon.

      5. Hello, good morning Yoga guru Sharon lol. I watched the video below about Lyengar Yoga. It looks challenging as you alluded. Do you have a video series of it or follow a you tube video?

      6. Hello Matt, yeah Iyengar yoga is challenging but I don’t tend to practice the advanced postures! They really take some doing. I learnt yoga from evening classes years ago but I now practice from home with books. I’ve always loved it even as a teenager. If my memory serves me correctly it’s someone’s BIRTHDAY tomorrow! Have a fabulous day! Kind regards, Sharon x

      7. Thanks for sharing your back story with Lyenger yoga. A lot of the postures I saw them doing in the video made me squeamish. hehe. My only regret having practiced Kundalini Yoga for over 15 years is that the persistent bending forward (convex) of my back I think led to my ruptured disks in the lower back. This I think was compounded when I started doing HIT routines which involved a lot of jumping and burpees etc. Concave back bending exercises is what I now find myself doing more of. So ‘Cobra’ and ‘table top’ are good. If I’m lying down on the couch I put a rolled up towel under my lower back to reinforce this concave figure.
        Thanks for your lovely well wishes re. my Bday. My kids are coming today and will stay for the week. Yay! The best Bday present one could ask for. I hope you had a great Weekend Sharon.

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