The Thief Of Time!

Hello and welcome from London!

So this is the thing; most time-poor writers or other creatives don’t have a lot of it to waste. Life happens at a fast pace now, so how you spend those days is crucial. After all, you’ll want to devote as much time as possible to your craft.

So here’s the point of this moan! You want to take some time out of your hectic day to order something on the internet. It doesn’t matter if it’s small or large. You envisage a quick thing, like it was years ago when you simply went along to the shop and came home, bag swinging!

Fast forward 2024. You navigate the site (not always easy) and make your purchase. End of story! Not on your life! In a day or two you are kindly requested to leave FEEDBACK! What feedback?! I bought a can of cat food for my kitty, they ate it, end of story. Isn’t it? Or I bought a little gadget for my kitchen. Thanks. Moving on. You would be so lucky!

If you dare to look in your email box and see the amount of feedback you are expected to leave, it’s ridiculous! Most of us creatives have better things to do than get caught up in this modern-day phenomenon. And where does it get you anyway? Probably nowhere, apart from eating into that precious little time you have for writing that book which is far more important and rewarding!

But this is the real kicker! So I am looking to purchase something quite big online, but guess who reads all the reviews first, before they press the BUY NOW button!!

Go figure!

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time


Image courtesy of Kevin Ku – Unsplash

Published by Sharon's Writers Tidbits

Sharon Wilson was born in London. She has had a passion for the art and craft of creative writing for many years . Sharon's main writing interests are novels, short stories and poetry. She also enjoys writing non-fiction and has had several articles on writing published in various ezines. Sharon is an avid reader and has an extensive book collection which is actually quite threatening!

8 thoughts on “The Thief Of Time!

  1. I’ve just had to buy a new nightie. Once I went into town and came back with one. Now I have to pack this one up because it’s not what I thought it would be, make a trip up the village to post it back which happens, of course, after I’ve packed it! You are so right, Sharon!


    1. Hi Gwen, so sorry for the delay!! This is exactly what I mean, all these things just eat into your time and are so mundane. Bring back the old days, I say!! Hope you are having a lovely Easter. Kindest regards. X

  2. That’s me too!!! I hate giving reviews, but I read them. Still though if I buy a product I really like, I have no issues writing a review, but I won’t lie for the mediocre stuff.

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